In a crucial push for votes, Vice President Kamala Harris is spending her final campaign hours tirelessly...
In an alarming development on Election Day, the FBI announced that several bomb threats directed at polling...
On Election Day, former President Donald Trump addressed questions about potential post-election violence if he loses, stating...
Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen her alma mater, Howard University in Washington, D.C., as the venue...
As Election Day unfolds, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden are watching the results from...
Despite a felony conviction in New York, former President Donald Trump faces no obstacles in casting his...
In a last push before Election Day, Trump rallied NC voters, urging a “landslide too big to...
In a final rally in North Carolina, Trump urged supporters to vote in record numbers, calling the...
Philadelphia – The legal showdown over Elon Musk’s controversial $1 million voter sweepstakes is heating up in...
Landmark Group Case in Europe Seeks Accountability for TikTok’s Alleged Impact on Adolescent Mental Health Seven families...